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Fino Payment Bank IFSC code

Indian Financial System Code(IFSC) is  an unique code to identify a physical branch of Fino Payment Bank in India. This unique 11 digit code is assigned by RBI. This is required to make any transaction that is NEFT, RTGS, CFMS, etc. Any transfer that is made online or system to system transfer which is not done through cheque book should identify source and target bank branches by IFSC code.   Format of the code is <4 character Bank code>-0-<6 digit Branch code>. So if for example a code is FINO0123456 then FINO uniquely identify the Bank and 123456 is the code for the branch. This number can be found in your cheque book of Fino Payment Bank  cheque book to locate the IFSC code of your branch.

Fino Payment Bank MICR Code

Magnetic Ink Character Recognition(MIRC)  is 9 digit uniquely identified number given to any branch of Fino Payment Bank. RBI most of the cases used PIN code to assign this number. The format of the 9 digit number is <3 digit city code><3 digit bank code><3 digit branch code>. So RBI uniquely Identified 3 digit city code and 3 digit bank code for each bank as a part of MICR code. This code is required to make payments across branches inside India. You can locate this number in your Fino Payment Bank cheque book. There are four numbers present in cheque book 1) 11 digit IFSC 2) 9 Digit MICR and 3) Account number. And every cheque page contains a Cheque number. By length and format you can differentiate these numbers.

How to transfer Money from Fino Payment Bank

TO Transfer from or to Fino Payment Bank you need bank account number, account name and IFSC code of your branch. To find IFSC code try this website. Or you may look in your check book. You need to add the account you want to transfer money to With the said information. Once added you can user NEFT or RTGS transfer from your account.